Change, change is an interesting journey. Acceptance, well acceptance is a process. Actually putting your best foot forward to navigate is intimidating. Quitting is a mindset, but not an option. We could all use a little encouraging & motivation; motivation to keep going through this never ending battle of self improvement. Some of us have been entrapped mentally for far too long thinking we can't amount to the best version of ourselves. I want to take a leap of faith and live the BESWORS3 life possible. Let me explain and attempt to clear up any confusing as to what I mean by BESWORS3.I may not be perfect; the smartest; most attractive; cool or whatever superficial label nay sayers try to impose. I'm a person with imperfections that have guarded me. No more will I hide who I am for the sake of not fitting in, because I'm a recovering alcoholic; I embrace my struggle with my mental health; have a couple unsuccessful relationships; setbacks etc. My trauma's aren't my defeats, rather they're the catalyst to my success. Who am I? The one and only, the constructor of all things BESWORS3, Briana Da'Ja Jones. I want to encourage other's struggling with whatever trauma's to stop seeing them as a means to a end, but rather a start of a new beginning. What you'll find here, is a haven with content with a purpose. There's no one thing that defines me, but I know what and who I stand for. I'm a voice for many and the voice behind the brand. My purpose is my testimony, my story. I'm not the best at articulating my struggles and the depths of my mind, but word has it, if it's meant for you then you'll understand it.
If you're like me, and need that extra does of happiness to get the morning started, then head over to the Podcast section of this site. This section is where you can get that extra push of motivation. I know for me affirmations is a big deal, and I want to share some of my own with everyone. Of course these won't be the typical affirmations we're all use to hearing. What you can expect is my spin on keeping positive through and through. I've already advised to be open to something new, different, and maybe werid lol. Writing is another side of me that I've been on and off exploring, and since this is a time of embracing my full self. I'm thrilled to be sharing this experience with you all.
Over in the Merch section you can check out some of my handy dandy crafted materials. Making things helps with my anixety; it calms my mind; it's a form of meditation for me. If there's something (like art, or a specific style or color of jewlery you would like) that's not available, just contact me directly. My info will be located under the contact section, and I'll get back to you as humanly possible lol.